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Our carefully handcrafted engagement rings can easily be modified and customized for an added touch of uniqueness. Explore our engagement ring collections to find the perfect starting point for your custom ring.
Your engagement ring setting is what makes your ring unique; it comprises all of the details that you choose to incorporate. The crown, ceiling details, and Crescent Fabrics together define your ring's character. To learn how to customize an engagement ring setting, read our Engagement Ring Guide. Or, browse all of our engagement ring settings here.
What are Crescent Fabrics?
Our iconic design motif, the TACORI Crescent is featured on the inner face of every ring. A Crescent Fabric is the distinctive crescent pattern that adorns each collection. There are seven distinctive Crescent Fabrics and they range from minimalist with just a touch of TACORI, to intricate, with full diamond detailing. Regardless of your preferred style, each Crescent Fabric transforms the ring's foundation into a textured fabric of dimensional beauty. You can view all of our Crescent Fabrics on the Discover Crescent Fabrics page.
How do I choose a center diamond?
Before you begin to shop for your center diamond, it helps to have some foundational knowledge about the subject. Take a look at this guide to the four C's of a diamond - the cut, color, clarity, and carat weight. If you're purchasing a new diamond, you'll have to decide between a lab grown diamond or a natural diamond for your engagement ring. We honor the personal nature of this choice, and your local TACORI retailer will provide additional education to help you make your decision; both mined and lab-created diamonds are available from high-quality and ethical sources.
TACORI engagement rings are sold as semi-mount settings - meaning that they are sold without the center diamond - so you can pair any center stone with any foundation. Your authorized TACORI retail partner will help your TACORI setting and complementary center stone.
Can I customize or personalize an engagement ring?
Every TACORI engagement ring is meticulously handcrafted to order in our California Design Studios. This unique process and local oversight allow you to add personal touches and customizations for a truly bespoke ring. For inspiration on customization, explore our Engagement Ring Personalization Guide. Then, reach out to a TACORI certified retailer to start crafting your one-of-a-kind ring.
What diamonds are used in TACORI settings?
The diamonds chosen for our engagement ring settings are hand-selected and individually matched for color and clarity to ensure consistent brilliance and the finest quality. These diamonds must meet at least a G color grade and a VS clarity grade. TACORI settings only use mined diamonds acquired via the Kimberley Process. For your engagement ring center stone you can select any diamond or gemstone via your TACORI Authorized Retailer.
What metal should I choose for my engagement ring?
The metal you choose all comes down to your personal preference. At TACORI, we mix all of our premium metals in-house with a proprietary, best-in-class, and entirely nickel-free formula. We offer 18kt yellow gold, 18kt rose gold, and 18kt white gold engagement rings, and we specialize in platinum.
TACORI platinum engagement rings have a purity level of 95%, which is higher than the industry standard of 90% purity. This exceedingly high platinum purity level means that the natural white color will not fade over time. Platinum weighs 40% more than 18K gold, adding to the band’s longevity and prong protection for your diamonds.
Can I choose a matching wedding band for my engagement ring?