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Art of Stacking

Every ring in your stack is a memory. Together, your rings are a joyful celebration of your story, and a reminder of all that’s to come. Start building your bespoke ring stack with meticulously handcrafted TACORI rings.


Mix & Match

There are no rules for building your ring stack, other than to make it your own. Because no matter which diamond shapes or metals your mix or match, your TACORI stack will sparkle and shine with every movement of the hand.

Mix & Match

What Comes Next

First the engagement ring, then the wedding band, and then you decide what comes next. Consider adding eternity bands of different color gemstones or diamond coverage, or high-shine metal bands. Make it meaningful, or just make it beautiful.

What Comes Next

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More Ideas

Image 1
Twins for the win
Image 2
Multiple Bands
Image 3
Interesting Shapes